Cystic Lymphangioma Breast: A Rare Tumor Masquerading as Carcinoma Breast


CyƐtic lymphangioma is a common congenital ůymƉŚĂtic mĂůĨŽƌmĂtiŽn usually ƉƌĞƐĞntinŐ in childhood. However, cyƐtic lymphangioma of breast is an uncommon tumor and its ƉƌĞƐĞnƚĂtiŽn in adulthood is even rarer when it may mimic carcinoma breast due to associated ĮbƌŽƐŝƐ͘ In this ĂƌticůĞ͕ we are describing the radiological appearances of a rare, large cyƐtic lymphangioma of breast mimicking carcinoma breast in adolescenceA sixteen-year old female came to the surgical ŽƵƚƉĂtiĞnƚ department of our hospital with a 3-4 months history of painless right breast lump. There was no history of any fever or nipple ĚŝƐcŚĂƌŐĞͬƌĞƚƌĂctiŽn͘ There was no family history of breast cancer. Clinical ĞxĂmŝnĂtiŽn revealed ƐŽŌ to Įƌm͕ nontender, massive enlargement of right breast with bluishblack ĚŝƐcŽůŽƌĂtiŽn of thickened skin that also revealed small vesicles and small, patchy areas of sloughing (Figure 1). WĂůƉĂtiŽn revealed a ĚŝīƵƐĞ mass epicentered in the outer quadrants of right breast with extension in to the axillary tail which was not ĮxĞĚ to the underlying chest wall. No evidence of any obvious clinically palpable axillary adenopathy was noted. >ĞŌ breast was clinically normal. Blood ĞxĂmŝnĂtiŽn