Liposarcoma of the Uterine Cervix in Nigeria: Case Report


A case of primary liposarcoma of the uterine cervix is described in a 65-year-old woman of the Igbo Ethnic Group in Nigeria on the basis of cytological features following cervical cone biopsy. This appears to be the second Nigerian case. She complements the recent cases from other parts of the world. A massive review of uncommon sarcomas of the uterine service was carried out by Fadare [1]. Concerning liposarcoma, it was concluded that they are “extraordinarily rare.” Moreover, it was stated that “only four cases of pure liposarcoma of the cervix have been reported in the English literature.” These four had an average of 54 years (range 45– 62). Therefore, it is of interest that the local case about to be presented was aged 65 years. Its ĂƉƉƌĞcŝĂƟŽn was facilitated by a Birmingham (UK) group, which postulated that a histopathology data pool can facilitate the ƉƌŽƐĞcƵƟŽn of epidemiological analysis. Such a pool, established by the senior author (WO), was used here and is deemed to be worthy of ĚŽcƵmÄžnƚĂƟŽn͘