
Nanorobotics is the technology of creating machines or robots at or close to the scale of a nanometre (10-9 metres), machines constructed at the molecular level (nanomachines) may be used to cure the human body of its various ills. This application of nanotechnology to the field of medicine is commonly called as nanomedicine.Nanotechnology promises futuristic applications such as microscopic robots that assemble other machines or travel inside the body to deliver drugs or do microsurgery. Taking inspiration from the biological motors of living cells, chemists are learning how to utilize protein dynamics to power microsize and nanosize machines with catalytic reactions. Nanorobot?s toolkit contains features like medicine cavity containing medicine, probes, knives and chisels to remove blockages and plaque, microwave emitters and ultrasonic signal generators to destroy cancerous cells, two electrodes generating an electric current, heating the cell up until it dies, powerful lasers could burn away harmful material like arterial plaque.To cure skin diseases, a cream containing nanorobots may be used which remove the right amount of dead skin, remove excess oils, add missing oils, apply the right amounts of natural moisturising compounds, and even achieve the elusive goal of ’deep pore cleaning’.other fields of applications are to clean the wounds,to break the kidney stones, to treat gout, for parasite removal, for cancer treatment, treatment of arteriosclerosis.