Oral bacteria are the primary etiologic agents that cause dental caries/plaque.


Oral bacteria are the primary etiologic agents that cause dental caries/plaque. Bacteria have evolved to survive in the environment of the tooth surface, gingival epithelium, and oral cavity. Acidogenic oral bacteria like streptococcus mutans, streptococcus salivarius,Streptococcus mitis, Streptococcus sanguis and lactobacillus acidophilus primarily causes dental caries/plaque that surround orthodontic appliances in many patients undergoing Orthodontic treatment 1 . Such bacteria can lead to tooth enamel breakdown and potential discoloration of the tooth surface, and these aesthetic changes can persist for many years after orthodontic treatment2, 3. Natural products derived from plant source are found to be highly efficient in eradicating the dental caries/plaque found in fixed orthodontic appliances patients undergoing orthodontic treatment.