Recent clinical practice guidelines recommend watchful waiting for patients moderately aوٴected by recurrent acute throat infections (ATI).


Recent clinical practice guidelines recommend watchful waiting for patients moderately aوٴected by recurrent acute throat infections (ATI). Alternative therapies with a beneٽcLal safety proٽle such as homeopathic remedies may be an interesting option for patients suوٴerLnJ from a moderate recurrent tonsillitis during this waiting time. We conducted a pragmatic, randomized, controlled clinical trial in Germany, Spain and Ukraine in patients aged 6-60 years with moderate recurrent tonsillitis [1]. Нe combined treatment of the homeopathic remedy SilAtro-5-90 (Atropinum sulfuricum D5, Hepar sulfuris D3, Kalium bichromicum D4, Silicea D2, Mercurius bijodatus D8) and symptomatic medication (test group) was compared to symptomatic medication alone (control group) over a period of 14 months. Нereb\, SilAtro-5-90 was given during 3 treatment periods of 8 weeks each. Нe results showed that the hazard of getting an ATI was sLJnLٽcantl\ lower in the test group than in the control group (hazard ratio=0.45; 95%-CI: 0.34-0.60; p<0.0001, intensity model; ITT). Furthermore, already during the ٽrst treatment period, patients in the test group were free of recurrent tonsillitis symptoms during sLJnLٽcantl\ more days (MWU-test; p<0.0001; ITT) compared to those of the control group. Also the number of acute throat infections treated with antibiotics was sLJnLٽcantl\ lower in the test group compared to the control group (37% vs. 58.2%; 95%-CI: 9.13-33.36; p=0.0008; Chi2 test; ITT).