Retinoblastoma Case: Shall we Get A Paramagnetic Trend in Chemotherapy?


We have performed our study on a NEN-treated RB cell culture derived from a real clinical autopsy material. 3.5- year-old male donor has died of a massive complex abdominal trauma being previously RB-diagnosed with NMR and ultrasound tests, tumor located behind the eye globe equator line. This is a ĮƌƐƚ report ever on mĂŐnÄžtic isotope ĞīĞcƚƐ of metal ions to cause the clear Ä‚ntiͲcÄ‚ncĞƌ consequences in ƌĞtinŽbůĂƐƚŽmÄ‚ cells by depriving them of the DNA repair cĂƉĂbŝůŝtiĞƐ͘ Both molecular mechanism of phenomenon and its possible meaning for ƌĞtinŽbůĂƐƚŽmÄ‚ chemotherapy are presented here. Keywords: ZÄžtinŽbůĂƐƚŽmÄ‚Í– WĂƌĂmĂŐnÄžticƐ͖ Chemotherapy bbƌĞǀŝĂƟŽnƐ͗ RB: ZÄžtinŽbůĂƐƚŽmÄ‚Í– DNApolB: DNA Polymerases Beta; MIE: MĂŐnÄžtic Isotope Ä«Äžcƚ͖ NEN: N– Ethyl–Melamide; NMR: Nuclear MĂŐnÄžtic Resonance; AML: Acute Myeloblast Leukemia