Review on Personalised Medicine for Cancer Treatment


Personalized medicine is individual medical care that is based on one's own genes and disease conditions. That comes from studies of human genes and the genes in different cancers. Cancer is one of the dangerous leading diseases. In 2020 alone, India will have 1.32 million new cancer cases which will lead to 3 patients per minute. Numbers of cancer deaths 851678 were reported during 2020 in India alone. Recently, personalized medicine has mainly involved the systemic use of genetic or other data about individual patients to enhance that patients' prophylactic and therapeutic care. Information about a patient’s proteinaceous genetic and metabolic profile could be used to make personalized medical care. This spot of recent advances in treatment that have resulted in improved patient outcomes progresses is still poor for many patients with certain cancer with a high death rate associated with late diagnosis. where molecular assays that help to measure the level of protein and genes or specific mutation are used to provide a specific therapy for an individual condition by satisfying disease condition and helps in choosing a proper drug therapy to that patient’s specific needs additionally this method used to estimate a patient risk factor and. In this review we discussed, Recent advances, challenges and future perspective of personalized medicine in cancer.