The Malaria situation, perception of cause and treatment in a Nigerian University


Human malaria remains a serious cause of morbidity and mortality in Nigeria. In Lagos State University (LASU) Nigeria, a non–student residential campus, a study was carried out among 600 students (330 males and 270 females). These students were randomly selected, 100 each from six faculties. The study was carried out in the rainy season from May-July, 2007. Blood was obtained from students by venous puncture and finger pricking. Giemsa stains on thin blood films indicated an overall prevalence of 83.3%. The percentage of females infected was more than males. Stained thick blood films revealed that P. falciparium trophozoites form a greater percentage of the blood parasite stages (90%). Of these 500 students with asymptomatic malaria, 49.6% had Packed Cell Volume (PCV) of less than 30%. Data from the LASU health centre indicated that an average of 12 students per day was treated for symptomatic malaria during this period. Structured questionnaires administered to each participant, revealed that they were mainly aged 22-23 years, in their second year, Blood group O, haemoglobin genotype AA and in Faculty of Arts. The test on knowledge of Malaria indicated that 41.7% of these students still have erroneous perceptions about the cause of malaria. Health education on malaria is therefore advocated.This study not only confirms that malaria is one of the causes of student’s absenteeism, but that asymptomatic malaria matters.